Proposed Slate of Officers
The Nominating Committee and Leadership Development Team would like to present the proposed Slate of Officers for the 2023-2024 year. Instructions for voting will be in the weekly email by April 1.
The Nominating Committee is also asking for any additional nominations “from the floor.” Please note that the position of Vice President AAUW Fund is still open. If you would like to be considered for an elected board position, please contact Marian Sacco by March 15th to be included in this process.
Suman Ganapathy
Suman is currently serving as branch President, after two years as President-Elect. She is also chair of Afternoon Books and is a member of the Bylaws committee. She has been both layout and copy editor for the newsletter. She has been in charge of the Wildflower Run 2K events and now handles social media marketing for the Run. She is a past recipient of a Leadership Morgan Hill grant and serves on the City’s Library, Culture, and Arts Commission.
Krisse Boursier – President-Elect joined 2021
Krisse is a fairly new AAUW member but has already taken on major responsibilities: newsletter editor, Tech Trek coordinator, Wine & Whine chair, and organizer of the Wildflower Run Finish Fest. She is the current recipient of the Leadership Morgan Hill grant. Krisse is a retired high school and computer science teacher after spending the first half of her career in the computer industry.
Tessy Albin – CFO
Tessy is in her third year as branch Treasurer. She joined AAUW in 2011 and has been in charge of Wildflower Run water stops chair for many years. She has an extensive financial and accounting background and operates her own association management business.
Tammy Parker – Secretary
Tammy, a member since 2016, is current branch Secretary. A member since 2016, Tammy is the co-chair of the High School Scholarship committee and has assisted at the Wildflower Run in many roles. She loves to read and participates in Afternoon Books.
Barbara Palmer – VP Membership
Barbara joined AAUW MH in 1984 and has held many Board positions over the years, including branch President and Wildflower Run Director from 2004-2008. She is current Membership Co-VP and previously was New Member Mentor for six years. She looks forward to another year of growing our membership.
Nancy Altman – CO – VP Programs
Nancy now serves as Co-VP Programs. A branch member for 20 years, she had helped with the Wildflower Run in many capacities, including the 2K and course marshal team. After retirement as a Special Education teacher and Assistant Principal at Britton Middle School, she was elected this year to serve as a Morgan Hill Unified School Board Trustee.
Doris C. Fredericks – CO – VP Programs
Doris has been a branch member since 2015 and has been in charge of Wildflower Run goodie bags for several years. As a yoga instructor at the CRC, a registered dietician, and health and wellness coach, she especially supports the focus of AAUW on all aspects of health and wellness for women and girls. A fairly new widow, she appreciates the support of her AAUW friends.