2024 Spring Luncheon
Our Spring Luncheon held at Mama Mia’s restaurant on May 18, was loads of fun and gave us the opportunity to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. We enjoyed a pasta buffet and had plenty of time for conversation.
The highlights of the afternoon were our installation of branch officers for 2024-25 and the presentation of awards to our branch AAUW honorees for 2024.
We are so pleased to welcome our new slate of officers: President, Krisse Boursier; President-elect, Harpreet Vital; Treasurer, Karen George; Secretary, Sheila Dunwoodie. We all look forward to working with this capable team of officers in the coming year.
The AAUW honorees for 2024 are: Carol O’Hare, Amy Whelan, Vicky Reader, and Susan Persing. These members have made vital contributions to our branch and its programs over the years and certainly deserve to be recognized.

Left to Right: Karen George, Sheila Dunwoodie, Harpreet Vittal, Krisse Boursier

Left to Right: Amy Whelan, Vicky Reader, Carol O’Hare, Suman Ganapathy, Krisse Boursier
Margo Hinnenkamp, Hospitality