2024-2025 Operating Committees

The Bylaws Committee writes and reviews policies, procedures, position descriptions and branch bylaws prior to board approval.

Bylaws Chair: Carol O’Hare

Communications Appointed Positions
Calendar Susan Persing
Email Managers Monica McClintock/Darcy Foster
Google Drive Bobbie Erb / Elizabeth Mandel
Newsletter Editors Marian Sacco
Newsletter Advertising Peggy Martin
Photo Archives Elizabeth Mandel
Publicity TBD
Social Media Suman Ganapathy
Technology Training Jan Conrey
Website Design Elizabeth Mandel
Website Maintenance Sandy Stoob

The Finance and Budget Committee reviews and sets the annual operating budget for the branch for board approval.

Finance/Budget Committee Chair: CFO
 President Elect
 Program VPs
 Membership VPs

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI): Diversity refers to all aspects of human difference; Equity refers to fair and just practices and policies that ensure all community members can thrive; Inclusion refers to a community in which all members are and feel respected, have a sense of belonging, and can achieve their potential.

Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Chair: Janet McElroy
Kat Chavez Napoli
Sousan Manteghi-Safakish

Interest / Action / Social Group Coordinator Jan Conrey
Group Chair
Afternoon Books Suman Ganapathy
Arts Outings Janet McElroy
Climate Education & Action (CEAC) Margaret McCann
Dining In & Out (DINO) Maria Schalk
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion See DEI above
Evening Books Elizabeth Mandel
Friday Writers Marcia Fishman
Hike Brunch Bunch Lori Mains
Hole in the Heart Carol O’Hare
Mamas in the Kitchen Jeanne Gregg
Out To Lunch Bunch Patti Trantow
Pilgrims Process Jane Devine
Read The World Marcia Fishman
Smart eGals (Apple) Joan Ensign
Sunday Gardners Chris Hopwood
Travel Tips Jenny Redfern
Ukuladies Joanne Rife
Wine & Whine Cindy Adams
Writers Workshop Susan Rife

The Local Scholarship Committees interface with local high schools and colleges regarding scholarships. They interview and select recipients. The coordinator verifies enrollment and requests the checks. Each scholarship has a separate committee.

Local Scholarships Coordinator: Stacy Moeder
High School Scholarships Tammy Parker & Joan Sullivan
Re-Entry / Deferred Entry Scholarships Vicky Reader
Healthcare Profession Scholarships Mary Cox
Keeping In Touch (KIT) Grants Alexandra Mandel
Fritts Family STEM Scholarship Mary Cox

NCCWSL Scholarship Chair: Cinda Meister & Marian Sacco

The Community Action Grants Committee solicits and reviews applications from local non-profit organizations. It selects recipients that meet AAUW mission-based criteria.

Community Action Grants Chair: Harpreet Vittal

The Membership Committee welcomes, orients, and determines the interests of new members. They assist in recommending and assigning members to branch volunteer needs. The committee also plans the Fall Membership brunch.

Membership Chair: Pat Toombs
New Member Mentor
Wine & Whine

The Program Planning Committee holds an annual meeting in August to plan the branch educational programs.

Program Planning Chairs: Nancy Altman / Doris Fredericks
Public Policy

The Tech Trek Committee interviews and selects a group of 7th grade girls to attend a one-week science camp in person at a California university or virtually during the summer months. They also help with events that increase awareness of Tech Trek.

Tech Trek Coordinator: Krisse Boursier

The Leadership Development Committee promotes branch leadership. It assists with filling vacant board positions, heads the nominating committee in filling executive board positions, and reviews applicants for scholarships to Leadership Morgan Hill.

Leadership Development Chair: Suman Ganapathy

The Wildflower Fund Committees manage the Morgan Hill branch’s annual fundraising and subsequent allocation of funds to our various philanthropic causes. Committees include:

Wildflower Run Run Directors: Bobbie Erb / Joy Safakish
Wildflower Run Corporate Sponsors Chair: Amy Whelan
Wildflower Fund Annual Giving Campaign Coordinator: Carol O’Hare
Wildflower Fund Allocations Chair: Elizabeth Mandel