Interest Groups
Enjoy your hobbies, follow your passions, expand your knowledge, and make friends through one or more of AAUW Morgan Hill’s many Interest Groups. These groups meet socially to explore mutual interests. Members choose topics, timing, and locations to meet. The upcoming Interest Group schedule is reflected on the calendar. Please contact the interest group coordinator (listed below) for additional details.
We welcome new ideas! To suggest or form new special interest groups:
Contact our interest group coordinator, Jan Conrey, with your proposal. Jan will give you guidance on how to get your group started including notifying potential members and running the idea past the board. Other ways you might spread awareness are to write an article for our bi-monthly newsletter and/or provide additional details through a new webpage about the group.

Arts Outings
Contact Janet McElroy to suggest possible outings. Attend local theater, art galleries, symphony performances, movies, or other arts events with your AAUW friends. See interest group details.

Afternoon Books
Book lovers meet at a private home to discuss a wide variety of authors and titles. See interest group details. Contact Suman Ganapathy.

Climate Education & Action
Climate Education and Action is part of AAUW Morgan Hill’s Public Policy focus. Learn about powerful solutions to lowering carbon emissions, why it is critical that we act now, and the most efficient way for us to step up and do our part. Learn more about our latest or upcoming programming. To get involved, contact Margaret McCann.

Dining In And Out (DINO)
Members, with our without spouses, gather monthly to explore cuisines of local restaurants and, on occasion, at a home. See interest group details. Contact Maria Schalk.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
This group interacts with local community organizations through communication, rallies, conferences, protests, etc. Their mission is to promote social justice and diversity through education, action, and self expression. DEI is also a branch public policy initiative. Learn more about our latest or upcoming programming. To get involved, contact Janet, Sousan, or Kat.

Evening Books
Book lovers meet up to twice a month at a private home to discuss a wide variety of books by female authors. Discussions alternate monthly between fiction and non-fiction titles. See interest group details. Contact Elizabeth Mandel.

Friday Writers
Writers, would be or otherwise, meet at a private home two Friday mornings a month. See interest group details. Contact Marcia Fishman.

Hike Brunch Bunch
Hikers meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month for a 4 mile hike in a local park or open space, followed by a relaxing brunch. See interest group details. Contact Lori Mains.

Hole in the Heart
This group for widows offers support and sharing of experiences. All are welcome. It meets monthly at a member’s home. Contact Carol O’Hare.

Mamas in the Kitchen
Cooks gather together quarterly to cook and enjoy good food together. See additional information, including recipe and photo archives. This group is limited in size, but you are welcome to be added to the substitute list. Contact Jeanne Gregg.

Out To Lunch Bunch
We are restarting this group (fall 2023) with a lunch outing to a local restaurant on the first Tuesday of each month. Join old friends and meet new ones at these casual gatherings. Questions? Contact Patti Trantow.

Morning Mingle
Kickstart your Thursday mornings with a splash of camaraderie! Coffee lover or not, join us at Coffee Guys every 2nd Thursday, 10-11:15 am for conversation and connections. Let’s spark joy, sip by sip! Please RSVP to no later than the day before the event for whenever Morning Mingle fits into your schedule. Questions? Contact Robyn Carillo, Suman Ganapathy or Krisse Boursier.

Pilgrim’s Process
This meditation group meets twice a month to meditate and discuss techniques and books to support their spiritual practices. Contact Jane Devine.

Read the World
This new (in 2023) group reads international books, i.e., books that have been written by authors who have actually resided in that country. This is an opportunity to seek out books that are not normally on the radar of readers and to learn about more obscure areas of the world. They meet on the second Wednesday of each month, 3:00 – 4:30. Contact Marcia Fishman.

Rowdy Outers
Do you have an idea for a unique outing for branch members? See additional information. Contact Joanne Rife.

Smart eGals
Meet monthly to share Apple 3-device tips and apps. Contact Joan Ensign.

Sunday Gardeners
Join other gardening enthusiasts on the first Sunday of each month at a member’s home (or on an occasional field trip). See interest group details. Contact Chris Hopwood.

Travel Tips
Meet monthly to learn from each other’s travel experiences and discuss opportunities for travel. See additional information including how to share your travel tips. Contact Jenny Redfern.

Gather weekly (Monday mornings) to play the ukulele. See interest group details. Contact Joanne Rife.

Wine and Whine
Members enjoy a monthly late afternoon get together for libations and conversation at a local restaurant, at 5:30 pm on the third Wednesday of the month. Look for reminders in your weekly email. RSVPs are appreciated. See interest group details. Contact Cindy Adams.
Additional Monthly Events
Go to our Calendar for a complete list of upcoming interest group meetings, programs, and other events.

Board Meetings
Meetings are at 7 pm on the first Thursday of each month at the Morgan Hill Centennial Recreation Center (CRC), with social time at 6:45 pm. All members are welcome. Contact President Suman Ganapathy.

Chamber of Commerce After Hours Networking Mixers & Good Morning Morgan Hill Breakfasts
As a member of the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce, our branch members are welcome to attend “Good Morning Morgan Hill” Chamber breakfasts and after hours networking mixers. Attending mixers is, for example, an opportunity for us to thank our business sponsors for their support of the Wildflower Run or to connect with members of the community regarding our upcoming programming. Chamber breakfasts are always at 7:30 am on the first Thursday of the month at the Community and Cultural Center. After hours mixers are at different Chamber members’ businesses, the third Thursday of the month, at 5:30 pm. Contact Chamber liaison Elizabeth Mandel.

AAUW Morgan Hill Monthly Programs
Most programs are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the program room at the Morgan Hill Library. All programs at the library are open to the public. All members, their guests, and members of the community are welcome. Go to News & Upcoming Events to learn more about what we have planned or contact our Program VPs.