2024-2025 Board & Advisory Positions

Elected Officers

President Krisse Boursier aauwmh.president@gmail.com
President Elect Harpreet Vittal
Treasurer Karen George
Secretary Sheila Dunwoodie aauwmh.secretary@gmail.com

Appointed Officers

AAUW Funds Chair
Advocacy/Public Policy Coordinator ( Public Policy, DEI- Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, CEAC- Climate Education & Action) Susan Rife publicpolicy@aauwmh.org
Allocation Manager (Tech Trek, Scholarships, Young Women Leaders, Community Action Grants) Elizabeth Mandel allocations@aauwmh.org
Communications/ Marketing Coordinator (Newsletter, Publicity, Website, Social Media, Weekly Emails)
Governance/Bylaws Chair Carol O’Hare bylaws@aauwmh.org
Leadership Development Chair Suman Ganapathy
Membership Co-Chairs Pat Toombs
Sherrie Wren
Programs/Community Events Co-Chairs Nancy Altman programs@aauwmh.org
Doris Fredericks
Wildflower Run Directors Bobbie Erb wfr@aauwmh.org
Joy Safakish

Advisory Positions (Non-Voting, Non-Board)

Calendar Susan Persing calendar@aauwmh.org
Chamber of Commerce Liaison Elizabeth Mandel chamber@aauwmh.org
Community Action Grants Harpreet Vittal aauwmh.cag@gmail.com
DEI Chair (Diversity/Equity/Inclusion) Janet McElroy dei@aauwmh.org
Friendship (Newsletter) Jill Paveza friendship@aauwmh.org
Google Drive Bobbie Erb googledrive@aauwmh.org
Elizabeth Mandel googledrive@aauwmh.org
History Archivist Carol O’Hare historian@aauwmh.org
Hospitality Karen MacDonald hospitality@aauwmh.org
Margo Hinnenkamp hospitality@aauwmh.org
Inter Branch Council Representative Krisse Boursier aauwmh.president@gmail.com
ISPF Representative Peggy Martin ispf@aauwmh.org
Newsletter Advertising Peggy Martin advertising@aauwmh.org
Newsletter Editor Marian Sacco
Scholarships Stacy Moeder scholarships@aauwmh.org
Social Media (Branch, State, National) Suman Ganapathy socialmedia@aauwmh.org
Tech Trek Susan Parodi
Website Design Elizabeth Mandel webmanager@aauwmh.org
Website Maintenance Sandy Stoob webmanager@aauwmh.org
Weekly Email Manager Darcy Foster aauwmh.email@gmail.com
Karen George
Wildflower Run Corporate Sponsors Amy Whelan sponsors@aauwmh.org
Young Women Leaders (YWL) Bobbie Erb ywl@aauwmh.org
Carol Ferri ywl@aauwmh.org

Advisory – Annual Events (Non-Voting, Non-Board)

Candidate Forum    
4th of July Parade Krisse Boursier parade@aauwmh.org
  Harpreet Vittal  
Nominating Committee