Branch Activities
Let us appeal to your interests … How do our interests appeal to you?
Make new friends through one of our many interest groups.
Connect with like-minded women.
Serve your community in a choice of volunteer capacities.
Support the equity and education of women and girls
Provide leadership programs for young women.
Utilize opportunities for personal development and education.
Advocate re issues that disproportionately impact women like social justice and climate change

Want To Do More? Here Are Some Ways to Get Involved…
AAUW National Priorities & Advocacy
Promote National AAUW’s priorities of advocacy and education on a local level through newsletter articles on AAUW public policy priorities, legal advocacy, or national grant recipients. Other activities could include participating in voter registration drives at the high schools or Gavilan College, creating programs around national AAUW public policy priorities, assisting with candidate forums, etc. Read more about advocacy at a branch level.
Branch Programs
Assist with planning and obtaining speakers, facilities, and publicity.
Community Action Grants
Serve on a committee to notify local non-profit organizations of our grant process. Review applications and participate in selection of recipients.
Fourth of July Parade
Help with our annual entry in Morgan Hill’s parade. Activities could include submitting the application, decorating cars, helping with the music or choreography, or just joining us, marching in the parade.
Fundraising: Wildflower Run Corporate Sponsors
As part of our annual Wildflower Fund fundraising drive, we solicit corporate sponsors for the Wildflower Run. Corporate sponsorships make up a significant part of the money raised each year and are critical to our fundraising success. The corporate sponsor committee has a well structured fundraising approach that has been refined over the years, and they would love to have you as part of the team!
Help coordinate refreshments and setup for branch events, such as the fall membership brunch holiday party and the spring brunch.
Interest Groups
Start a new Interest Group or take over coordination of a current one.
Leadership Morgan Hill
Submit yourself as a candidate to represent AAUW MH as a member of the next Leadership Morgan Hill class. Take this opportunity to expand your leadership in the Morgan Hill community.
Local Scholarships
Participate in the process of selecting scholarship winners from Morgan Hill. Scholarships are awarded to students graduating from high school, students re-entering education after an absence, students pursuing a healthcare related degree such as nursing, and a college student to attend a national leadership conference (NCCWSL). Follow-up “Keeping In Touch” grants are also awarded to previous scholarship winners. Members are needed to participate in each of these selection processes.
As part of the membership committee, welcome new members in your area of the community; invite them to events and help them become engaged with AAUW.
Assist in publishing our bi-monthly Wildflower newsletter. Our newsletter is published as a series of blog entries linked from an email to members. Responsibilities may include creating the bulk email, creating blog entries, copy editing, or collecting articles.
One Time Events
Help with events such as summer barbecue holiday party, special inter-branch events, etc.
Promote branch activities and programs through press releases, flyers and social media.
Taste of Morgan Hill
Take a shift at our booth in the September street festival. Look for signup information in our weekly email in the summer.
Tech Trek
Assist with the selection of campers for this math and science summer camp for middle school girls, sponsored by AAUW California. Donate supplies, be a speaker at the camp, or become a “dorm mom.”
Teen Leadership Programs
Mentor young women leaders in our community by supporting AAUW Morgan Hill’s annual Young Women Leaders; (YWL) Conference. We also fund a local college student to attend the annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL).
Voter Education
Assist with election forums, register voters, educate the public about non-partisan issues.
Assist in maintaining our branch website.
Wildflower Run: 10K Run, 5K Run/Walk/Stroller, Kids’ 2K Run, and All Age 2K Run/Walk
This is AAUW Morgan Hill’s only fundraiser. Funds raised go toward local scholarships and programs, Tech Trek, Speech Trek, Community Action Grants, participation by our members in Leadership Morgan Hill, and national AAUW programs such as graduate fellowships and legal advocacy. All members are strongly encouraged to volunteer and contribute to this wonderful community event. Either just volunteer on race day or take a more active leadership role as the chair of one of the many committees needed to ensure the success of this event. Go to Wildflower Fund Committees to get an idea of the various roles that need to be filled.