Membership Update January 2023
Morgan Hill AAUW is pleased to present our newest members!

Sheila Dunwoodie was born in Beverly, Massachusetts, and moved to Morgan Hill with her husband in 1985 after living in many different places. She received her A.S. Degree in Secretarial Science from West Valley College in 1980. She worked at Anritsu Company (formerly Wilton Company) for over 25 years prior to her retirement on October 1, 2021. Sheila joined AAUW to meet new people and plans to participate in some of the interest groups.

Susan Parodi moved to Morgan Hill after living in Sunnyvale and San Jose. She has a BA in Social Science and a Master’s in Education from San Jose State University. Three years ago she retired from teaching 6th grade Social Science and Language Arts. She was attracted to AAUW for its community involvement and scholarships to local high school females.