Annual AAUW MH Honoree Nominations

The AAUW Honoree program is a wonderful way for our branch to recognize outstanding members. Think about who you see promoting the mission of AAUW, providing great service to the branch or board, performing multiple jobs, working hard behind the scenes or connecting AAUW to the community. Then send your nomination to the selection committee in care of Marian Socco, by February 5th and include a brief highlight of their contribution.
Other criteria to consider include: length of time in the branch, variety of the branch positions held, and service that increases the visibility of AAUW. You may nominate as many members as you think deserve to be recognized, although those who have received this award in the past five years are not eligible.
2022 Margo Hinnenkamp, Karen MacDonald, Elaine Reimer, and Marian Sacco
2021 Chris Hopwood, Lori Mains, Barbara Palmer. and Yvonne Randolph
2020 Judy Kinker and Linnie Lee
2019 Elizabeth Mandel, Monica McClintock, Peggy Martin and Suman Ganapathy
2018 Mary Cox, Maggie Leininger, Joy Safakish, and Pat Toombs
2017 Donna Dicker, Jenny Redfern, and Sandy Stoob

2022 honorees: Elaine Reimer, Karen MacDonald, Margo Hinnenkamp, Marian Sacco