My Leadership Morgan Hill Experience
I would like to thank the Morgan Hill branch of AAUW for my scholarship to the Leadership Morgan Hill Class of 2023. I had wanted to attend this program for many years, and it exceeded my expectations.
My class began in January with a group of seventeen people from a variety of backgrounds: from those in their twenties to those of us who have retired. For the next nine months we grew into a close-knit circle, bound by a shared passion for making Morgan Hill a better place. We attended full day workshops once a month on many different aspects of government, as well as evening sessions on a variety of community programs and leadership, plus two overnight trips.
As part of the program, each class is challenged to complete a project that will benefit Morgan Hill. Our class decided to clean up the gazebo and create a mural at Community Park. I was asked by the class to be the liaison with the Leadership Board, and I volunteered to head up the fundraising group. I’m proud to say that we ended up raising $11,000 – $1,000 over our target!
It is truly a pleasure to be an alumna of LMH, along with many other AAUW members. It was a wonderful experience, and I know that I will maintain the friendships that were formed. I also know that I will bring what I learned to my job as the President-elect of our branch. Thank you again for this amazing opportunity.
Leadership Morgan Hill Class of 2023 in front of our mural project
AAUW Members at graduation (L to R): Dr. Carmen Garcia, Peggy Martin, Harpreet Vittal, Krisse Boursier, Amy Martinez, Cinda Meister, Susan Hines, and Jennifer Tate
Krisse Boursier, President Elect
Leadership Morgan Hill website: