Interest Group Spotlight: Afternoon Books
We are a small, articulate, and spirited group with a shared love for reading, reflection, and analysis, and meet on the fourth Monday afternoons.
Our small attendance from the start over 20 years ago (6-12 members) allows everyone to contribute and be heard, and delve deep into themes and ideas. Riveting, open-ended, and honest discussions are our hallmark, with a monthly presenter to guide us along.
Whether from non-fiction or fiction, dense tomes or light novels, we learn from every book we read, and each member’s viewpoint. Deliberating over a book that enthralled is a joy, but discovering unexpected appreciation from differing perspectives or books that didn’t resonate, is pure serendipity.
Delighted to be back in-person after months of Zoom meetings, monthly wine and refreshments, and a fun holiday party-book exchange-potluck in December magnify our fun.
Every June, we vote from each member’s book recommendations for our July-May year selections and determine monthly presenters and snack providers. Book selections are available at BookSmart bookstore with a 10% discount when you mention Afternoon Books.
We welcome new members and are adaptable and welcoming. If we grow larger, we will tweak, refine and burnish our operations to be inclusive.