Terrific Travels!
Carol O’Hare made a short trip to Denver in July to visit her 98-year-old sister-in-law. She stayed with Maryanne Flynn, a former AAUW Morgan Hill member who regularly hosted Evening Books.
This photo from a 2004 Evening Books meeting shows Maryanne on the left with long time book group members (L-R) Sandy Stoob, Carol Holzgrafe, Kathy Goelkel, Donna Dicker, Joanne Rife, Mary Cox, and Carol O’Hare
Elizabeth Mandel, Nancy Altman, and Nancy’s husband Curt Palm have just returned from a ten-day High Sierra Trail backpacking trip from King’s Canyon to the top of Mt. Whitney (and down again).
The photos from their trip are spectacular… check them out on their personal Facebook pages!
Precipice Lake
Nancy demonstrating her side plank on the top of Mt. Whitney
Jean Pinard and Lori Mains traveled to Alaska:
Jean first met Bonnie Hahn when Bonnie’s granddaughter and Jean’s grandson were married in Nome, Alaska, in 2009.
The book!
The presentation and party!
Jean always knew that Bonnie’s Alaskan adventures would make an exciting book to preserve for future generations, but it wasn’t until this last year that a real effort was made to bring this idea to fruition. Jean joined with Lori Mains in a team effort. Jean interviewed Bonnie to record her stories and got it all down on print. Lori used her technical skills, and was also editor and publisher, and together they created a wonderful book, A Lifetime of Alaskan Adventures, which was finally completed and printed just in time for Bonnie’s 90th birthday in July.
Jean and Lori flew to Homer, Alaska, where they were able to help Bonnie distribute her book to her astonished friends and relatives. The entire project, from its inception to the Homer birthday party, was an exciting and fulfilling adventure. Bonnie is a great lady and story-teller, and Jean and Lori had a fascinating project that lightened the burdens of Covid-19 restrictions.