2023 Amendments to AAUW MH Bylaws

2023 Amendments to AAUW MH Bylaws Approved by Vote of Membership April 2023


Section 4. Federal Tax ID. The AAUW Morgan Hill 501(c)(4) tax ID number is 94-2779084. [This is the branch’s number for its IRS designation. ISPF AAUW is IRS-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization ID # 77-0201841.]


Section 2. Officers. 

1.   The elected officers shall include president, treasurer, and secretary, and other such positions as listed in Policies & Procedures Article VIII. 

[This amendment names only the positions that are required by law and deletes the listing of other elected position by name, as they may change over time. For example, it is recommended that the AAUW Fund be made an appointed position, not elected. This amendment  thus makes it easier to keep bylaws current, as P&Ps can be modified by the board; bylaws amendments require approval by the membership.]

2.  The appointed officers shall be as listed in Policies & Procedures Article IX.

[This amendment deletes the listing of specific appointed positions by name, as they may change over time. For example, the GEMS position no longer exists. This amendment thus makes it easier to keep bylaws current, as P&Ps can be modified by the board; bylaws amendments require approval by the membership.]

Section 2. Duties

g.  The Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer shall be responsible for collecting, distributing, and accounting for the funds of the Branch. The CFO shall supervise the collection of dues and remittance to AAUW and AAUW CA. The treasurer shall send moneys for any AAUW 501(c)(3) entity by the specified deadlines. and shall keep separate bank accounts for each entity. and shall keep separate bank accounts for each entry.

[This more accurately describes current duties.]


Section 1. Composition. The executive committee shall be composed of the elected officers of the branch.

Section 2. Administrative Responsibilities. The executive committee shall have power to act for the board between meetings of the board when it is determined that an issue is time-sensitive.  It shall report to the board on all actions taken by it. It shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to it by the board.

Section 3.  Meetings.  Meetings of the executive committee shall be held on the call of the president or by request of three of its members.  An electronic vote may be taken. 

Section 4.  Quorum. The quorum of the executive committee shall be a majority of its members.

 [This amendment deletes this article entirely, as it is not needed and has never been used. Procedures for voting between board meetings can be found in Article XI BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 5 Voting Between Meetings, and in ADDENDUM 4 Board Voting by Email Between Meetings.] 

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