Giving Back: Allocation of 2021 Wildflower Run Proceeds


The Allocations Committee is proposing an allocation of $54,200 from our Wildflower Fund now,

with an additional $3,000 to be allocated later in the year.

This funding comes from 2021 runner registrations, corporate sponsorships, and individual donations.

Congratulations to all who made our second “virtual” Run a success, from the members who volunteered and designed new ways of putting on a run to the many members who registered with family or friends.

We overcame tremendous challenges and should all be proud of our success!

In anticipation of a return to normal programming, our 2021 allocations continue our impressive array of Local Scholarships, Community Action Grants in support of local non-profit organizations, Stanford Tech Trek Camperships for middle school girls, and leadership programming such as Leadership Morgan Hill, National Conference For College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL), and the Young Women Leaders Conference. In addition, we continue to generously support AAUW nationally by sending money to the AAUW Fund. One change this year is the cessation of funding for Speech Trek due to continued lack of interest from the local public high schools.

Review the many outstanding programs and individuals we supported in 2020.

2020-2021 Beneficiaries


See details of our proposed 2021 allocations budget.

Proposed 2021-2022 Allocations