40 Year Anniversary Holiday Party
‘Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.’
With this profound Kierkegaard quote, President Marian Sacco’s beautiful introductory remarks set the tone for our AAUW Morgan Hill branch’s 40-year anniversary celebrations and annual holiday party held on December 5, 2021. She gave a brief account of our branch’s history and applauded the hard work and leadership of the forty-one charter members who set up our branch, as well as the past presidents who have led and shaped us over the years.
Charter Members
Next, a wonderful historical tribute of charter members who still belong to our branch was made by Barbara Palmer, current new member mentor, past president, and longtime Wildflower Run corporate sponsor committee chair. Seven of the original forty-one were present for the event and are still members: Barbara Cate (the first branch president), Marilyn Gadway (founder of the Wildflower Run, the 39th iteration is being planned right now), Nancy Foster, Jeanne Gregg, Linda Tarvin, Marianne Thornton, and Beth Wyman. We missed Patti Trantow, who was out of town, and Judy Garrett, who sadly passed away this October.
The Christopher High School Choir regaled us with Christmas carols and songs in their beautiful harmonious voices and added to the joy of the occasion, as did charter member Linda Tarvin with an impromptu rendition of the song she composed a few years ago to honor our branch.
The event was an immense success and was well attended with over 80 members and guests. The banquet room of the Old City Hall Restaurant in Gilroy was beautifully decorated with two giant handmade commemorative AAUW quilts and many other historical memorabilia.Our thanks to the anniversary committee: Margo Hinnenkamp, Karen MacDonald, Elizabeth Mandel, Carol O’Hare, and Krisse Boursier. We thank them for all their efforts.
With its nostalgia and pride for all our accomplishments and the impact we have made in the community, the celebration was a perfect catalyst to inspire continued enthusiasm and plans for a blazing future ahead. AAUW Morgan Hill, long may we prosper!