AAUW 5 Star Program

AAUW National is again sponsoring the 5 Star Recognition program for branches and affiliates.
This Recognition program gives our branch a chance to be recognized nationally for our work furthering AAUW’s mission. There are five areas with activities that each branch must complete by the end of this fiscal year. These areas include Advancement, Public Policy and Research, Governance and Sustainability, Programs and Communications and External Relations. Our branch is well on the way to completion of each of these areas.
Why should our branch work on accomplishing the requirements of this program just for a pat on the back? We are already doing most of the activities required as we are very community involved, use social media successfully and promote equity for women and girls through our scholarship program. Completing these activities could boost member enthusiasm and increase our membership.
The Leadership Development Team is working with our Programs Vice Presidents of Programs and Membership in completing the requirements for this Program. Some of the activities include appointing branch chairs for public policy and diversity, contributing to the Greatest Needs Fund in honor of AAUW’s 140th Anniversary, and sponsoring at least 4 mission-based programs. Accomplishing this goal of becoming a 5 Star branch will also help AAUW California achieve 5 Star status.