Photo by Susan Brazelton
Article in South Valley Magazine, March 2021 edition:
While many other companies promote virtual runs and present themselves as charitable, just a portion of their proceeds are optionally directed to charity. What makes the AAUW Morgan Hill’s Wildflower Run—virtual or not—truly stand out, is that we are an all-volunteer-run event, allowing us to direct 100 percent of proceeds to support community grants, local scholarships and leadership programs for women and girls. Over the years, we have allocated an impressive $600,000 toward our causes. We are especially committed to students’ educational success; we provide scholarships for students with financial need as they graduate from high school and continue through to college graduation. (Learn more at aauwmh.org/local-scholarships.) In this pandemic, these students’ needs are even more urgent; studies show that over half of socioeconomically disadvantaged college students believe the pandemic will impact their ability to graduate.