2023 Wildflower Fund Appeal

Every year we ask you to donate to the Wildflower Fund Annual Giving Campaign and every year you have been amazing and given generously. Each one of you should know how much you are appreciated for your financial gifts, your energy, and the time you give to make AAUW Morgan Hill an exemplary and important entity in AAUW nationally.
The total amount raised by our only fundraising event includes Wildflower Run registrations, sponsors, and other financial gifts. Your donations represent a consequential one-third of the total amount. Without your generosity, the Wildflower event would not be the incredible success it is and our Branch would not be able to undertake the important work that we do. We all want to ensure that girls have an opportunity to experience Tech Trek and learn leadership skills. We all have a powerful interest in seeing that girls can attend college and women have a chance to return to finish an interrupted education. Adequately funding all our charitable programs makes this possible and over time has positively affected the lives of many women and girls. Please see Fundraising Beneficiaries for more information. http://www.aauwmh.org/beneficiaries-a-history/
Currently, the Wildflower Fund has received approximately $11,000. Last year you contributed nearly $19,000 and that is why this request for donations reflects urgency. No amount is too small, and your gift will make a tremendous difference, as the smiling faces of our 2022 High School Scholarship recipients below show.
Please respond to this urgent appeal and donate today and help the Wildflower Fund Campaign reach its 2023 goal of $20,000:
- By check payable to ISPF-AAUW (Interbranch Special Projects Foundation, our 501(c)3 account) and mail to Wildflower Fund, AAUW-MH, P.O. Box 1528, Morgan Hill, CA 95038 OR
- Online through PayPal at aauwmh.org. (Scroll down to the bottom and click on the Donate button.)Thank you again for all you do and for helping to make this year’s Wildflower Fund reach a new goal.
If you have any questions please contact Chris Hopwood.