President's Message

Dear AAUW MH Members,
Welcome to a brand-new year 2022-2023! I would like to thank Marian, the board, and branch leaders, for the outstanding leadership and dedication of these momentous past two years. I would also like to thank you, branch members, for your tireless commitment, effort, and contribution, without which we would not be the exceptional AAUW Morgan Hill branch that we are. Many of you are recognized in the greater community for contributions and service beyond our branch, and we couldn’t be more proud.
Our newly elected board, along with our appointed board members, advisory and operating committees members, and I look forward to carrying on our branch’s 40-year legacy and mission of gender equity. The new year begins on July 1, but we have already begun a smooth transition by planning summer activities as intended in our branch’s succession plan.
Our annual retreat is just days away on July 9. With the strategic plan that our branch has worked on since May for the National AAUW 5 Star program as the starting point, the retreat will allow the board to set our branch’s annual goals, engage in team building, and get everyone excited over the new year. All members are welcome to attend. (Details in the Sunday email.)
We hope you will stay engaged with our branch all year around. We need your participation to be successful in the important work we do and want you to feel that you belong.

These are some of the ways to stay connected:
- How to find out what’s going on? Read our informative weekly Sunday email (email blast, informally) with all the branch news and activities for the upcoming week, volunteer requests, and leadership vacancies. Choose whatever appeals to you.
- Attend the monthly Wine & Whine on the third Wednesdays at a local restaurant (or winery). This is an opportunity to meet one another in a social setting.
- Join an interest group, or start an interest group if you don’t see the one you’re looking for. It’s a great way to stay engaged and make friends.
- Attend a board meeting. They are on the first Thursdays at 7 PM in the Morgan Hill Centennial Recreational Center (CRC) to learn about how the branch operates.
- Volunteer for the Wildflower Run – our 40th run will be on Sunday, March 26, 2023. It is a great Morgan Hill tradition, and its proceeds support all our scholarships, community action grants, leadership training, and AAUW Fund contributions.
- Contact a committee chair if you are interested in participating.
- Always feel free to send your questions, ideas and suggestions directly to me at