President's Message
“In this life we cannot do great things, we can only do small things with great love.”
Mother Teresa
January/February 2022
As we begin our 40th year of AAUW Morgan Hill, I look at all the “small things” that make us a great group of people. It is not just pulling off a BIG event, like the Wildflower Run! That is a great amount of energy focused on one day. But every day our members do “small things” and acts of kindness to take care of each other through calls, visits and care packages of food and goodies. We rally to help when and where there is a need both in the branch and in the community.
These “small acts of love” are seldom recognized but so gracefully donated. A big thank you to all the members of AAUW Morgan Hill for making us a vibrant, caring, and wonderful branch! Onward to 2022!
Looking forward, please save the date of March 19 afternoon to “Celebrate, Learn and Act” as our Interbranch Council of Santa Clara County presents: Title IX: What you don’t know CAN hurt you. It has been 50 years and the goal of equity in education is still a challenge. Our role is to teach and coach this generation of young people to keep progressing. Read more in the next newsletter.
Our branch is working to complete the 5 Star Program in 2022 through the Leadership Team. This National initiative focuses our branch to keep to our mission of equity in many of our activities such as programs, public policy, membership and giving. Help us by participating in coming events and volunteering for a new role in the branch. Or get involved in a different group like Climate Change or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). We always want and need new people and ideas to keep us “the best”.