New Members!
As of August 16, we had 163 members. 23 have not yet renewed. Please welcome our eight new members who joined us since our last newsletter (in chronological order).

Malisha Kumar
Malisha earned her Masters in Business at Santa Clara University. She is a self-employed property manager. She expresses a desire to assist with the Fourth of July Parade and is willing to open her home/yard for special events. Malisha is interested in Afternoon Books, Arts Outings, Mamas in the Kitchen, Travel Tips, and Wine & Whine. From AAUW, she hopes to gain fellowship and an opportunity to give back.

Ranjita Morton
Ranjita completed her undergrad degree in India. She holds an MS in Textile and Apparel from the University of Illinois, and an MBA in International Business from USC. She is currently Finance Director at Renesas Electronics Americas. She is interested in Local Scholarships, Community Action Grants, Speech Trek, Management of Youth Volunteers for WFR, Climate Change, and Pilgrim’s Process. She joined AAUW to help young women with financial literacy.

Virginia (Ginger) Radlo
Ginger has a B.A. in English from Stanford University and an MBA in Finance from Santa Clara University. She is interested in getting involved with the Fourth of July Parade, Arts and Outings, and DINO. She joined AAUW to meet other women and make friends.

Stacy Moeder
Stacy holds a BA degree in Business Administration from Drury College in Springfield, Illinois. She has masters degrees in business and health administration (MBA and MHA) and is currently employed at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System. Stacy is interested in Local Scholarships, Smart e Gals, and Wine & Whine. She joined AAUW to make new friends. Her aunt is member Patricia Kindred.

Bonnie Fishman
Bonnie has a BS in Anthropology from the University of Michigan. She also possesses a certificate from the Cordon Bleu Cooking School. She would assist with Hospitality and possibly lead an interest group. She also has interest in the following groups: Arts Outings, DINO, Friday Writers, Travel Tips, and Wine & Whine. She joined AAUW to meet new people and find enrichment in offered events.
Judith Ann Sebring
Judith Ann has an MS in Health Services Administration from Saint Mary’s College, BS in Pre Physical Therapy from Minnesota State University, and a certificate in Physical Therapy From the Mayo Foundation. She can assist with onetime events, and has interest in Afternoon and Evening Books, Arts Outings, and Wine & Whine. From AAUW she hopes to find friendship with other women and the opportunity to give back to others. Her mom was active in AAUW.

Susan Gaetano
Susan earned a BA in Liberal Arts from Chico State University, MA in Administration from Santa Clara University, and an ABD in Administration from the University of La Verne. She is an Intero Realtor and the owner of 88 Keys Cafe. She would be willing to open her Cafe for special events.

Mary Blessing
As a freshman at Oberlon College in Ohio, Mary studied Philosophy and Religion. At Mills College she earned a BA. In Philosophy, and at the Divinity School of Pacific in Berkeley she obtained a Master of Divinity-Theology. Mary is employed as an Episcopal Priest, “semi-retired”. She is interested in Climate Change, Wine and Whine, and You Evolving Spiritually Interest Groups. From AAUW Mary hopes to gain Social Justice oriented friendships.
AAUW Nametags Available
Need a magnificent, official AAUW name tag? Contact: Make It Mine, 101 Main Street, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, 408/776-0556 or Price is $10 plus tax.