Friday Writers Go Beyond the Written Word

Writers under the old oak tree.
The Friday Writers’ Group, which meets the second and fourth Friday morning of each month, often share their talents beyond their skills as writers, whether in a poem, a short story, or more often a memoir. We have seen incredible photography from Susan Brazelton, as she matches her photos with her written adventures; we have eaten pastries from retired chef Bonnie Fishman, as she writes stories around her food and recipes; or we have enjoyed the art of Jean Pinard when she has added sketches or paintings to her words.
Recently we met at Beth Wyman’s house, sitting under her spectacular oak tree with the hills in the background. Beth reminded us of one of the rare times we have had a specific assignment, that is, when we all write about the same theme or purpose. On one occasion, we were asked to write a note to one of our fellow group members. Beth pulled out the piece that Jean had written to her that included a painting of El Toro in the background. We share this with you here.
Marcia Fishman, Friday Writers Coordinator