Evening Books Group
Evening Books just celebrated its 32nd anniversary; it is the second longest lasting institution (next to the Wildflower Run) of the Morgan Hill AAUW Branch. And, with over 50 regular or occasional participants, it continues to thrive!
The First Evening Books discussion took place on December 11, 1989 with 5 members in attendance, including current members Carol Holzgrafe, Joanne Rife, Anne Rosenzweig, and Sandy Stoob. From the group’s inception, discussions have been limited to writings by female authors, alternating between fiction and non-fiction books. We consistently enjoy thoughtful, in-depth analysis of our book selections and wonderful, respectful exchange of ideas.
While initially refreshments were limited to herbal tea, our discussions are now fueled by wine and snacks, with a brief social time to connect with friends before we get down to business. An Evening Books highlight (described by many as “the best AAUW event of the year”) is our annual holiday potluck and book exchange.
In 2010 the group grew too large for member homes–perhaps in part because of the great refreshments–so we doubled the number of discussions and have since met on both the first and the third Monday of each month, discussing two books a month. Members are invited to attend any discussions they choose (RSVPs are not requested), and we typically have 10-15 participants.
Our flexible schedule and wide selection of books enables branch members to participate as actively as they choose. We have members who never attend but join the group for the book lists; others attend as regularly as they can. To learn more, go to http://www.aauwmh.org/evening-books/ or contact me at ebooks@aauwmh.org. I also invite you to browse our past reading history at http://www.aauwmh.org/evening-books-reading-history/. To join the group (you will receive regular email reminders of upcoming discussions and are invited to attend when you like), email me at ebooks@aauwmh.org.
– Elizabeth Mandel, Evening Books Coordinator

In December 2014, at our annual holiday party and book exchange, Evening Books celebrated 25 years of good reads with good friends.