Community Action Grants
AAUW MH Community Action Grants (CAG) award discretionary funds of up to $1000 to local charitable organizations requesting funding for a specific program or expense that is in alignment with AAUW’s mission, promoting equity for women and girls..
Nine grants were awarded for 2022-2023.
Learn about recipient BookSmart Community Advantage in this Morgan Hill Life article.
Students at P.A. Walsh STEAM Academy Photo by Marty Cheek
Due to the ongoing success of the Wildflower Run, even more funds will be available for 2023-2024 grants, so please share this information with potential applicants.
Completed 2023-2024 grant applications must be submitted (AAUW Morgan Hill, Attn: Community Action Grants, P.O. Box 1528, Morgan Hill, CA 95038) and postmarked no later than November 1, 2023. Alternatively, they may be emailed to Successful candidates will be notified of their selection by November 28, 2023. Funding must be used before the end of the 2024 calendar year. Complete details, the application, and list of 2023 recipients can be found at
Harpreet Vittal, Grants chair