Join AAUW Morgan Hill in partnership with the City of Morgan Hill, the Morgan Hill Chamber of Commerce, SURJ (Showing Up for Racial and Social Justice) South County, and the Edward Boss Prado Foundation for the many exciting events planned for Morgan Hill’s 5th Annual Women’s Week!

All events are free, but several require preregistration. Masks are required by all, regardless of vaccination status. See details below.

Monday, August 23

Join the Women’s Week Committee as we kick-off the 5th Annual Women’s Week Celebration with the Monday Night Movie “A League of Their Own!” Women, girls, men and boys are ALL encouraged to attend the showing of this comedy/drama written and directed by women and based on the real-life exploits of the All-American Girls Baseball League. You will laugh, you will cry, you will cheer from your seat! In the Hiram Morgan Hill Room at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center. Doors open at 6:30 pm; movie starts at 7:00 pm. Preregistration is requested.


Tuesday, August 24

Welcome to our first “in person” AAUW Morgan Hill program of 2021, in conjunction with Morgan Hill’s Women’s Week. This panel discussion with parents, students, teachers, MHUSD administrators, and community members will reflect on the virtual education process during the pandemic.

The panel includes Dr. Carmen Garcia (new MHUSD Superintendent), Nancy Altman (newly retired Assistant Principal at Britton Middle School & AAUW member), Krisse Boursier (newly retired Live Oak High School teacher & AAUW emmber), Ria Deshpande (a member of AAUW’s Young Women Leaders), Heather Geddes (Morgan Hill Community Librarian, parents, and students.

Join us Tuesday, August 24, 7-9 pm in the Machado Room at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center (NOT at the library). If you are unable to attend in person, you may join via Zoom or Facebook Live.


Wednesday, August 25

Kathy Chavez Napoli, a local activist and educator, and member of the Morgan Hill Historical Society and AAUW Morgan Hill, will discuss the complex intersection between race and gender in her presentation: Racism and Gender. It’s Complicated. Growing up a poor, minority girl child working in the fields, and going to college at a time when women of color represented a small number, she will discuss these intersections and answer questions, with an eye toward how allies can make change.

This evening is sponsored and moderated by SURJ (Showing Up for Racial & Social Justice) South County, in partnership with Women’s Week. This will be at 6:30 pm in the Machado Room of the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center. It will also be available through Zoom for those unable to attend in person.


Thursday, August 26

Join us for the 5th Annual Women’s Week “Powerful Women’s Panel Discussion.” We ask the hard questions to get behind the truth of how being a woman has shaped each panelist’s career and the hurdles they have had to overcome. The personal experiences these women share are meant to educate, engage and empower women of all age, race, religion and status. Women, girls, boys and men are ALL invited to attend and learn from the experiences of these “Powerful Women!”
The 2021 Powerful Women Panelists are:
  • Roni Jo Castillo, Business Co-Owner\Founder
  • Toni Navy
  • Melanie Mikeska, Monterey County Sheriff’s Deputy (retired)
  • Michelle Bigelow, City Clerk/Interim Communications & Engagement Director, City of Morgan Hill

The event will be at the Granada Theater, 5:30-7:30 pm. Preregistration is required.