Fall Membership Lunch
The Membership Lunch in September was a great success. The ambience, food and drink were perfect, and the hard work put in by the Hospitality Committee, Karen MacDonald and Margo Hinnenkamp, was appreciated by everyone present.

In addition to the wonderful opportunity for members to network with one another, nine of the Tech Trek virtual Summer Camp scholarship recipients enthralled us with their presentations on what they learned during the STEM camp and how it impacted them. Parents also shared their experiences expressing much praise. Thank you to co-chairs Joy Safakish and Krisse Boursier and the many branch members who helped with Tech Trek.

Branch member and CEO of the Edward Boss Prado Foundation, Cecelia Ponzini, presented a check of $10,000, the first of an annual EBPF donation to provide students in need with financial resources to get an education. This will be a combined effort between AAUW and EBPF, supporting our common mission of empowerment, dignity, gender equity & economic security. Click here for more information on the Edward Boss Prado Foundation donation. Thank you to Cecelia and the EBPF.