Community Action Grants
The Morgan Hill Branch of AAUW (American Association of University Women) is committed to providing local and national support for AAUW’s mission, promoting equity for women and girls. The growing success of our annual Morgan Hill Wildflower Run fundraiser enables AAUW Morgan Hill to expand our philanthropic activities, and we are now awarding discretionary grants of up to $1000 each to local charitable organizations.
We are now accepting grant applications for the 2024-2025 year. Applications must be submitted by November 1, 2024.
Completed 2024-2025 grant applications must be submitted (AAUW Morgan Hill, Attn: Community Action Grants, P.O. Box 1528, Morgan Hill, CA 95038) and postmarked no later than November 1, 2024. Alternatively, they may be emailed (or you can send a link to your completed Google Doc) to Successful candidates will be notified of their selection by November 26, 2024. Funding must be used before the end of the 2024 calendar year.
Application Criteria
Grants for up to $1000 each will be provided to local non-profit organizations requesting funding for a specific program or expense that is in alignment with AAUW’s mission. An organization may request funding for more than one project or program, but separate applications are required for each.
Here are just a few examples of our grant recipients from recent years:

A Team Homeschool Community presents Bah Humbug

Empower & Excel Stem Program

BookSmart Community Advantage’s Gift of Reading

PA Walsh’s Mini Mermaids at the Wildflower Run
2023-2024 Recipients of $8,500 in Grants:
Recipient |
A Team Homeschool Community |
Ann Sobrato High School girls’ Field Hockey |
BookSmart Community Advantage, Gift of Reading |
Charter School of Morgan Hill |
Discovery Counseling Center |
Empower & Excel |
San Martin/Gwinn School |
PA Walsh Elementary Girls’ “Mini Mermaids” Running Club |
Poppy Jasper Film Festival |
South Valley Science & Engineering Initiative |
Susan & Charles Berghoff Foundation |