Evening Books Interest Group
The Evening Books Interest group has been meeting for 35 years! We typically meet at 7 pm on the first Monday of the month. We have many regulars, others who come occasionally, and others who are on the email list mostly to stay current with book suggestions and what we are reading. You are welcome to join our email list without becoming a regular. RSVP’s (see link below) are encouraged but not required.
Schedule & Sign-Ups
We rely on participants to sign up to host, moderate, or bring refreshments for each discussion. It is also helpful to have RSVPs so we can accurately plan seating and snacks. If you would like to join the group (and do not have edit access) let Elizabeth Mandel (Evening Books Interest Group coordinator) know.
Please review the above list and edit to indicate where you will help out.
Please RSVP for discussions you are planning to attend. (Note, this is appreciated but not essential… we know plans change and we’d love to have you there even if it is at the last minute.)
How We Are Organized
We typically meet on the first Monday of each month, 7:00 until 8:45-9:00 pm. We start with a little social time, but try to begin the discussion by 7:15. The location varies among a few members’ homes…those with adequate parking. We also take (very approximate) turns moderating and bringing refreshments (one person brings wine, another light refreshments). The host provides non-alcoholic drinks and utensils. An assigned moderator leads the discussion.
Book Selection Process

In December, 2014, at our annual holiday party and book exchange, Evening Books celebrated 25 years of good reads with good friends.
We choose books by women authors, alternating each month between fiction and non-fiction. We try to pick only books that are already out in paperback, and we typically choose six months’ of books at a time.
There are also a couple of months where we DON’T discuss books. In December, we have a party, with a potluck and wrapped book exchange (male authors ok). In July, we share recommendations of books we have read outside of books discussed in the book group, and we may bring books to loan to others (or donate to the Friends of the MH Library). In July and December, we also select the books for the upcoming months.
Do you have a book recommendation? Send it at any time to Elizabeth Mandel (Evening Books Interest Group coordinator) and we’ll add it to our list for consideration when we select our next batch of books.
Members typically use e-readers, listen using Libby, borrow books from the library, or purchase books. BookSmart (in Morgan Hill) stocks our upcoming selections (they keep a stack of upcoming local book club titles on a shelf near the best sellers to the left as you enter the book store. If you mention that you are buying a book for an AAUW book club discussion, they will give you 10% off.
Evening Books History