Travel Tips Interest Group
Armchair traveler or seasoned adventurer– all are welcome to join and share members personal travel stories. We have walked the Egyptian sands with Elizabeth Mandel, attended a Northern Italian cooking school with Jenny Redfern, played with the penguins in Antarctica with Patricia Kindred, and basked in the sun of Provence while learning some valuable tips about navigating “Home Away” and other home rental sites with Lynn McCaw. Another example of a memorable presentation was a discussion of travel in Russia and Eastern Europe with former ambassador Steve Pifer and his wife Marilyn.

Patricia and Gene Kindred meeting penguins in Antarctica

Elizabeth Mandel in Egypt
Meetings are held three times a year on a Saturday evening at 7:30 pm at the home of Marianne and Rob Knight. Members, spouses, and guests are welcome and are asked to bring a savory appetizer or sweet dessert to share. Wine or non-alcoholic beverages are appreciated too.Marianne assumes hostess duties and Rob facilitates digital and video presentations which last about 45 minutes, followed by socializing.