
Governance Committee Report

The Board and Bylaws/Governance committee* have gradually been modifying how the Branch governs itself. The goal was to streamline Board meetings and use the time more effectively, working together in support of the Board purpose.

In 2023 Bylaws were amended by the membership to have four elected positions: President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Three positions: Membership, Programs, and AAUW Fund became appointed positions.

At the January 2024 mid-year retreat, specific term limits for both elected and appointed positions were agreed on, and the Bylaws were subsequently amended by the Branch membership. The Board also approved reducing the size of the board from 18 positions to 15, moving Tech Trek, Scholarships, and Wildflower Run Sponsor from appointed to advisory positions. At the same time we began the discussion of changing the actual composition of the board.

At the June 2024 retreat, we agreed on a Board purpose and decided to reduce the size of the board to 12 positions and create a new structure with several innovative positions to better coordinate all Branch activities.

In July 2024 the Governance committee discussed these positions and job titles and submitted their recommendations to the Board that included adding a 13th position– AAUW Fund, as the link to our national AAUW organization. These changes to Board composition were unanimously approved by the Board on August 1, 2024. 

There is still much work to do to determine responsibilities of these various positions, but  a new updated structure is now in place.

The Board Purpose and Composition follow. 

Board Purpose

The board integrates the activities of the branch. The board does the preliminary thinking, discussing, and planning for the total branch programming of programs, projects, community activities, and financial oversight and management. The board supports the mission of AAUW: Advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

Board Composition  13 positions

Elected positions

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Appointed positions

  • AAUW Fund Chair
  • Advocacy Coordinator 

(Public Policy, DEI–Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, CEAC–Climate Education & Action)

  • Allocations Coordinator 

(Tech Trek, Scholarships, Young Women Leaders, Community Action Grants) 

  • Communications/Marketing Coordinator 

(Newsletter, publicity, website, social media, weekly emails) 

  • Governance/Bylaws Chair
  • Leadership Development Chair
  • Membership Chair
  • Programs/Community Events Chair
  • Wildflower Run Director

* Bylaws/Governance Committee: Carol O’Hare, Chair, Joan Ensign, Suman Ganapathy, Elsa Walton, Sherrie Wren, Krisse Boursier, Harpreet Vittal

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