Proposed Amendments to AAUW MH Bylaws
Proposed Amendments to AAUW MH Bylaws:
Term Limits for Elected and Appointed Board Positions
There was consensus at the January retreat that branch Bylaws should be amended to include specific term limits for both elected and appointed officers. This would include an initial term of two years that could be followed by a specified number of additional one-year terms. Because some positions may require special skills, a term limit exception was added. These amendments also clarify how to fill a vacancy in the office of president if there is no president-elect, and that co-officers are limited to two.
The proposed amendments have been approved by the board and now require a vote by the membership. That will take place when the branch elects new officers in early April. Proposed changes are highlighted in the following. If you have questions, please contact Carol.
Article X, Section 1. Officers.
a. The elected officers shall include president, treasurer, and secretary, and other such positions as listed in Policies & Procedures, Article VIII.
b. The appointed officers shall be as listed in Policies & Procedures, Article IX. They shall be appointed by the president with approval of the Board.
c. All officers, elected and appointed, shall serve for an initial term of two years. The term of each officer shall begin on July 1.
d. Elected officers, except the president, may serve three additional, one-year terms, for a total of five consecutive years.
e. The president may serve an additional, one-year term, for a total of three years.
f. Appointed officers may serve three additional, one-year terms for a total of five consecutive years.
g. Any exceptions to these term limits shall be determined by the board on a case-by-case basis.
h. No elected officer shall hold more than one office at a time.
i. A vacancy in an elected office, excluding the president, shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Board of Directors. A vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by the president-elect. If there is no president-elect, then the nominating committee shall reconvene to select a candidate to be elected president at a special vote by the membership.
j. The incoming president may call a meeting of the incoming officers prior to July 1.
k. Each board position may be filled by an officer or two co-officers. Co-officers shall each have a single, independent vote.
Governance Committee (FKA Bylaws), Carol O’Hare, Chair