2024 Wildflower Fund Appeal
To say there are many women who have benefitted from an AAUW scholarship or grant is to tell you something you already know. Likewise, you know that the costs to attend college are increasing beyond reach for many. Each year reports from Tech Trek campers tell us how this important program has inspired and energized them, as do recipients of community action grants to local non-profits.
The Wildflower Fund is a key component funding these programs, as well as National programs for economic security, education, and advocacy. The Fund comprises member donations, Wildflower Run corporate sponsors, and Wildflower Run proceeds.
Every AAUW-MH member’s donation makes a difference. As in past years we are asking you to contribute to the Wildflower Fund– our goal is $20,000. As of this writing, we have received $6,215 toward our goal.
If you have been intending to make a gift but keep putting it off because you’re too busy – we understand! That’s why we keep saying DON’T PROCRASTINATE – PLEASE DONATE!
If you have already made your donation – THANK YOU!
Make your gift by:
Check payable to ISPF-AAUW (Interbranch Special Projects Foundation, our 501(c)3 account).
Mail to
Wildflower Fund
AAUW Morgan Hill
P.O. Box 1528
Morgan Hill, CA 95038
OR Online through PayPal.
(Check with your tax advisor to see if your donation qualifies as a charitable tax-deduction).
(Go to Charity Navigator and see if your employer matches employee donations.)
Thank you for supporting AAUW’s mission of Gender Equity and Economic Security.
Chris Hopwood, Wildflower Fund member donations