Tech Trek 2023 Update
Another successful Tech Trek year is over. In 2023 our Morgan Hill Branch awarded scholarships to eleven rising 8th-grade girls to attend math/science camps at Sonoma State, Fresno State, and the virtual online camp. Overall, Tech Trek California ran eight in-person camps and one virtual camp with the support of 250 volunteers; 110 AAUW branches sent more than 800 campers.
To earn these camperships, local 7th grade students were recommended by their math or science teachers, wrote essays and were interviewed by our Tech Trek committee. We had the difficult task of choosing eleven girls from a field of 28 well-qualified applicants.
The selected girls were introduced at the Wildflower Run in March and attended an ice-cream social in June where they (and their parents) were prepped for the upcoming camps.
The students attended either a week-long in-person camp at Sonoma or Fresno, where they lived on campus, or the online virtual camp. All participants had compelling STEAM classes and presentations with hands-on workshops and interactions with inspiring mentors. (Check out these virtual camp student videos.) Branch members Monica McClintock and Krisse Boursier served as dorm moms at the Sonoma State camp, a rewarding but exhausting experience!
The girls also participated with AAUW in the 4th of July parade and shared their experiences at the August Tech Trek and scholarship recognition program at the library.
MH campers at Sonoma State with Monica (back left) and Krisse (back right)
MH Campers at Fresno State
Tech Trek campers at Wildflower Run
4th of July parade
Tech Trek is a shining example of how we can directly empower young girls by providing transformative experiences so they are better equipped to excel and become leaders in their chosen disciplines. Learn more about Tech Trek on our branch website. Tech Trek camperships are supported by the Wildflower Fund.
If you would like to be a part of the 2024 Tech Trek committee, please contact Krisse. Our first meeting will be in November.
Krisse Boursier, Tech Trek Coordinator