Tech Trek Update

Tech Trek Campers at the Wildflower Run
Tech Trek is an AAUW California-sponsored math/science camp designed to develop interest, excitement, and self-confidence in young women who will enter eighth grade in the fall. Branches raise funds to cover the cost of each girl’s participation and select attendees from local public schools.
In January the Tech Trek committee contacted Morgan Hill public school 7th-grade math and science teachers, and received over 25 nominations of girls to attend the summer Tech Trek camp. The committee spent a month reading applications and essays and interviewing this impressive group of young women.
In mid-March, eleven students were selected to receive scholarships. Five will attend the camp at Sonoma State in June, four will go to the camp at Fresno State also in June, and two will participate in the zoom Virtual Camp in July. We also have two students designated as alternates if any of the original eleven cannot attend.
The schools represented are: Britton Middle School, Jackson Academy of Math & Music, Martin Murphy Middle School, Morgan Hill Charter School, San Martin/Gwinn, and Voices Academy.
The chosen campers volunteered at the Wildflower Run where they helped with the Kid’s 2K and were introduced at the Finish Fest.
The campers’ next assignment is the Ice Cream Social on June 4 that is being organized by Suman Ganapathy and the Inter Branch Council. This gathering gives campers and their parents a chance to meet and talk to the women running the camps.
Morgan Hill Branch members Monica McClintock and Krisse Boursier will be attending the Sonoma camp in June as dorm moms.
We congratulate this dynamic group and wish them all the best at camp. Come to our Fall Luncheon to hear about their camp experiences.
Krisse Boursier, Tech Trek Coordinator