President's Message
Celebrating Labor Day as AAUW Members
In 1894, following the death of 13 workers during a labor strike, a new Federal holiday, Labor Day, was created by President Grover Cleveland to pay tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. Many women of all different ethnic groups and jobs were instrumental in this “labor movement”.
Our AAUW Mission of Gender Equity and Economic Security includes acting and advocating for women in the workforce today. The percent of women in the labor force is currently the lowest in 32 years, and many women cannot return to the workforce without paid leave and reliable and affordable childcare.

What can we do? Become a “Two-Minute Activist.” CLICK HERE to tell our congressional representatives that this issue is critical for American women, who bear a disproportionate burden of the ongoing health and economic crisis. It is an important first step for AAUW members to be heard by Congress.
Branch Updates
We had a good start to the year with the Fourth of July Parade, first New Member Meet-up, Wine and Whine, and program (as part of the Morgan Hill Women’s Week). Thank you to everyone who worked hard for its success, and to everyone who attended.


4th of July Parade!

New Member Meet-Up

Women’s Week panel on education and Covid-19

Our first Wine & Whine in over a year!
There are many more events and activities planned throughout the year. We look forward to seeing you at the September 19 membership lunch at Villa Mira Monte, where our Scholarship and Tech Trek young women will share their experiences. Please look for details in this newsletter of past and upcoming events.

Get Involved!
As AAUW Morgan Hill begins to plan our 40th Branch Anniversary, get involved again with our membership through interest groups, Wine and Whine evenings, volunteer, and Board positions. Attend monthly programs and other events, and volunteer where you can.
We have a need and a place for all the exceptionally talented women in our branch.
This newsletter is full of opportunities for you!
For questions or concerns, CONTACT ME.