President's Message

Incredible Females! Elephant seals are on the beach at Ano Nuevo State Park and worth the hike to see and hear them. But I came home “reflecting” on the role of the females as mates and mothers. The loud demanding cries of the “pups” to be fed and the responsibility to participate in the “harem” is followed by a up to 6000-mile swim that is repeated every year. WOW!
Speaking of incredible females, March celebrates both Women’s History Month and Equal Pay Day- a double hitter. The AAUW Interbranch Council of all our Santa Clara County branches has come together during Women’s History Month to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX. And it is not just about sports. Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity receiving federal assistance. This includes pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Continuing our AAUW Mission of education of young women and girls, it is important to discuss and reinforce the “how to” of this protection. Join us for an incredible panel of women advocates and hear their stories and suggestions for supporting Title IX.
Did you know that in December of 2020 Congress approved an American Women’s History Museum in Washington DC? The Smithsonian and the American Women’s History Initiative is preparing (over next 10 years) for the new museum with exhibitions starting with “Untold Women’s Stories”. Check it out at
So, lots to do in March, you incredible women:
- Register for the Title IX Program on Eventbrite.
- Read about Equal Pay Day in the newsletter.
- Volunteer at the WildFlower Run on a Sunday morning.
- Donate to the WildFlower Fund ASAP.