President's Message
Celebrating 40 Years!
What do Beyonce, Post-It-Notes, Eli Manning and Morgan Hill AAUW have in common? They all turn 40 in 2021!! Congrats to all.
Our AAUW Branch in Morgan Hill kicks off a 40th year celebration at the Holiday Party December 5, 2021. We plan to “give a little history” and feature our members that created our legacy. Please save the date!!
Meeting our Tech Trek Campers & Scholarship Recipients
Our September lunch at Villa Mira Monte, featuring both Tech Trek Girls and Scholarship winners, was attended by over 60 members who enjoyed “catching up” after a summer of quiet. It did lead us to begin research on a new sound system for our events so we can all better hear the wonderful results of our volunteer work.
Tech Trek campers describe their experience.
Photos by Susan Brazelton
The 2021 Tech Trek group.
Scholarship recipients
Volunteer for the Wildflower Run!
Speaking of volunteer work, our 2022 Wildflower Run planning is in process with the first meeting on November 18th. “Many hands make light work”, and we would love all members to participate in the pre-run planning and on the morning of the run at Live Oak High School. I know we are out of practice, but 2022 is a “live run” and fun again!
Congratulations to Joy Safakish
Buy your tickets now for the Morgan Hill Community Foundation Philanthropy Night to celebrate our honoree, Joy Safakish. Joy has touched so many AAUW programs and influenced so many Tech Trek and Young Women Leaders, we want great AAUW participation and loud applause as she is honored on November 12th. Thank You, Joy!