Membership Update November 2022
Morgan Hill AAUW is pleased to introduce our newest members!

Noshaba Afzal holds a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and a Master’s degree in Educational Counseling with a PPS Counseling Credential. She is currently the executive director for an educational organization that provides professional development training to public school districts nationally and internationally. Noshaba has served as a teacher, administrator, counselor, and teacher trainer. She enjoys hiking in national parks, traveling abroad, skiing and farming with her family.

Alia Basit has a single subject teaching credential in Math, a BS in Psychology from University of Illinois, a BA in Math (cum laude) from Governor State University, and an MBA from Northern Illinois University. She has managed a $200 million healthcare portfolio, mentored junior team members in commercial banking and analysis and has been employed as a consultant by Mizan Consulting in Chicago. She is not currently employed and has joined our branch to get involved in the community and make friends.

Arlene Noodleman hails from Minneapolis where she received her MD from the University of Minnesota Medical School, and also has an MPH from UC-Berkeley. She is founder/CEO of Revercel® Anti-aging Skincare and is now retired from medical practice. Arlene has lived in Morgan Hill for five years and joined AAUW to network with like-minded women who value equity and education for women and girls.