Save the Date: Sunday, March 27, 2022

Dear Branch Members,
The Wildflower Run, our only annual fundraiser, is organized by branch members, run by branch and community volunteers, and involves community participation. ALL proceeds fund scholarships, leadership programs for women and girls, community grants, and other programs supporting equity for women and girls.
We need your support more than ever to keep our wonderful programs going. We encourage every one of you to participate and contribute to the Wildflower Run by volunteering and donating. Together we can continue to make a difference!

Wildflower Run Corporate Sponsor Team Members Needed!
The Wildflower Run Sponsor Fundraising Committee will start ramping up its efforts early this fall, but we need more members to join the committee!
Why you should join the Sponsor committee: Fundraising with the local community for this event is an easy sell! Most companies have heard of the Wildflower Run and are very supportive and interested in getting involved. Because Sponsor donations make up a large part of Run fundraising, this is a great way to make your impact!
Another reason: After many years of working on the sponsor committee, several members are retiring from the committee, so we need multiple people to step forward. We welcome your fresh ideas.
We start our efforts in November and finish in early March. Each committee member gets a short list of local companies to contact and follow up with through the process. All fundraising information is provided; we meet monthly to check in and give needed support.
If you like interacting with members of the business community and think you would like to join the Sponsor Committee or just want to learn more, please contact
Amy Whelan, Wildflower Run Corporate Sponsors Chair.
Submit your original design for our 2022 Wildflower Run t-shirts!
Each year we solicit original designs from our members and the community for our fabulous annual t-shirt. The winning design will also be used for all our promotional materials. Anyone is eligible to submit a design. Design submission deadline: September 15, 2021.
Questions or designs to submit? Contact
Elizabeth Mandel, Wildflower Run Graphics Coordinator.