Election 2024

Open MHUSD Trustee Positions

Three Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Trustees seats are up for the November election. As you might be aware, local government positions have become very politicized as a reflection of the national political landscape. If you are interested in focusing on our students first, rather than pushing a political agenda, I encourage you to consider running or working for a like-minded candidate during the election. 

Knowledge of education is not required, but being rational, inquisitive and caring is preferable. 

The board is elected by trustee area, and Areas 5-7 are up for election. To find out your trustee area, follow this link

The job description is:

The Morgan Hill Unified School District Board of Education is comprised of a group of dedicated individuals whose main responsibility is to represent the wishes of the community and to exercise lay control of the educational goals and direction. In addition, the board is responsible for the following:

  • developing and evaluating the philosophy and goals of the district,
  • adopting an annual budget and establishing fiscal priorities in conformance with the district’s priorities and goals,
  • determining the scope of the educational program,
  • adopting policies for the general operation of the district which are consistent with state laws and district goals, and
  •  considering staff recommendations and community opinion in the development of policies.

MHUSD Board meetings are scheduled for the first and third Tuesday’s of each month. 

I would be delighted to provide further information to anyone interested. 

Nancy Altman

MHUSD Board Trustee, Area 1

AAUW MH Programs co-chair

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