2023 AAUW Honorees
What is the AAUW Honoree Program?
The AAUW Honoree program is a way to recognize members who have made an outstanding contribution to the mission of AAUW, our branch, or the community. Honorees are chosen from nominations submitted by the membership, and a committee of last year’s recipients – Marian Sacco, Margo Hinnenkamp, Karen MacDonald and Elaine Reimer – made the selection. Honorees were announced at the spring lunch.

Krisse Boursier
A new member in 2021, Krisse immediately became involved with branch activities: She chaired the popular Wine & Whine outings; she served as newsletter editor, changing to a different format and layout; and she became branch Tech Trek coordinator, even teaching a virtual robotics class. She has done an excellent job with all her responsibilities, introducing new ideas and taking on new challenges. She is now participating in Leadership Morgan Hill and is branch president elect.

Bobbie Erb
Bobbie only joined AAUW a year ago but didn’t hesitate to take on branch responsibilities. She is the main advisor for the Young Women Leaders group, helping them prepare for the climate action branch program and organize their daylong spring conference. She also put her extensive technical skills to work in creating a transition plan for the branch to Google Drive and training members as needed on how to use the new system. Additionally, Bobbie is very involved at the council level for Girl Scouts of Northern CA.

Sherrie Wren
As Membership Co-VP, Sherrie determinately dealt with the challenge of the new AAUW national membership portal, sorting out problems and helping branch members use it. She was also unrelenting in getting branch renewals, attending interest groups to accept payment on the spot and even driving to members’ homes to pick up checks. She joined the bylaws committee after attending several meetings, providing input on her job description. Sherrie also is treasurer for Friends of the MH Library.

Virginia Turner (AAUW Saratoga branch)
Although not a Morgan Hill branch member, Virginia provides an important and valuable service for us as treasurer for ISPF – AAUW (Interbranch Special Projects Foundation). For many years she has maintained accurate and detailed records of our Wildflower Fund income and disbursements related to the Wildflower Run and the allocations for scholarships, grants, and other AAUW programs. She handles deposits, scholarship award checks, and other payments in a timely manner. She is always helpful and never complains about how much we ask of her.
All these women are dedicated to furthering the mission and goals of AAUW Morgan Hill and we are pleased to honor them. Congratulations!