AAUW Morgan Hill Scholarship to Leadership Morgan Hill Now Available

AAUW Morgan Hill annually sponsors a woman in the community to attend Leadership Morgan Hill. Applicants do not need to be members of AAUW Morgan Hill. We believe that participation in this program is an important way to increase AAUW Morgan Hill’s connection with the community while enhancing local women’s leadership skills.
Applications for AAUW Morgan Hill’s scholarship to the Leadership Morgan Hill Class of 2023 are now available. Applications are due September 19. If you are applying for a scholarship, please complete the AAUW Morgan Hill scholarship application BEFORE submitting the Leadership Morgan Hill application.
2022 Leadership Morgan Hill Participants – AAUW Morgan Hill Branch Members

Tammy Parker

Katie Khera

Amina Kamichi
This is an intense 9 month commitment. Please contact our AAUW MH Leadership Development chair or go to the Leadership MH website to learn more. The branch solicits applications (from members and the community) starting in September and Leadership MH accepts them through the fall on a rolling basis. The AAUW Morgan Hill Leadership Development Committee will review the applications and make the final selection.