Annual AAUW MH Honoree Nominations

AAUW Honoree Nominations for 2025

The AAUW Honoree program is a way for our branch to recognize outstanding members who contribute to the success of our organization. They may provide great service to the branch, help promote the mission of AAUW, work hard behind the scenes, or connect AAUW to the community. Honorees are selected by a committee composed of previous honorees from member recommendations. Please send your nomination to the selection committee chair, Carol O’Hare by March 1, along with your reasons this person should be recognized. Honorees will be announced at the spring lunch. 

You may nominate as many members as you think deserve this award, although those who have received it within the past five years are not eligible. 

2024 Carol O’Hare, Susan Persing, Vicky Reader, Amy Whelan

2023  Krisse Boursier, Bobbie Erb, Sherrie Wren, Virginia Turner (Saratoga branch)

2022  Marian Sacco, Hospitality Team: Margo Hinnenkamp, Karen MacDonald, Elaine Reimer

2021 Chris Hopwood, Lori Mains, Barbara Palmer, Yvonne Randolph

2020  Judy Kinker, Linnie Lee

For a complete list of all honorees since 2004, go HERE.

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