Making Morgan Hill A Sustainable Community:

Hear From The Experts!

Join us as we learn from a panel of experts about building sustainable communities.

Where: Morgan Hill Library.   When: Tuesday, January 28, 6:30-8:30 pm

Alrie Middlebrook: Alrie is a sustainable lifestyle practitioner. She is committed to educating the public and promoting sustainability through native gardening. Learn more from her website.

Kirsten Struve: Kirsten is the Assistant Officer in the Water Supply Division of Valley Water. She has 28 years of experience supporting and leading environmental and regulatory programs in the field of water quality. Kristen is responsible for recycled and purified water, water supply planning, and conservation.

Sofia Ruiz-McGinty: Sofia is a a Live Oak High School student, co-leader of the Morgan Hill Climate Action Team, and one of the team leaders of Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action. She is also a member of Morgan Hill’s Youth Action Council. Sofia advocates for comprehensive climate education in schools.

Juliette Pascual: Juliette is responsible for community outreach at Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE). SVCE is a community owned agency, providing carbon-free electricity to a majority of Santa Clara County communities. In addition, SVCE advances programs for efficiency, demand management and fuel switching — to clean, carbon-free electricity in the place of fossil fuels used in transportation, buildings, and infrastructure.

Tanya Carothers: Tanya is the Environmental Services Administrator for the City of Morgan Hill. AAUW Morgan Hill’s Climate Education and Action Committee has worked closely with Tanya on issues of mutual interest such as decarbonizing homes  and buildings and our annual Earth Day festival.

Questions? Contact Margaret at

For more details about the speakers and useful links, go to here