2025 Wildflower Run T-Shirts

Order your t-shirt by January 25, 2025!

Each year’s Wildflower Run t-shirt is unique, with a different background color, a fresh new design, and the year highlighted as part of the design. We solicit designs through our website and social media and typically receive 8-10 submissions each year.

Our 2025 design, submitted by a graphic designer from West Virginia is particularly unique. The designer wanted to show what we are about and not just a “wildflower run”. She designed a butterfly as a symbol of change and growth and, if you look closely, you will see silhouettes of faces of a woman and a girl in the negative space shaping the sides of the butterfly. It is a lovely design!

In the past we have offered Wildflower Run Committee chairs complimentary t-shirts following the Run. Other members often have also expressed interest in having shirts. Although our two most recent runs have sold out, t-shirts are our largest expense, so we do not intend to increase the volume we order.  This means we cannot be confident that there will be extra t-shirts available for our members.  

If you are not registering as a participant in the 2025 Wildflower Run, you may pre-order a t-shirt for $10. This will guarantee a shirt for you in your size, even if the Run sells out.

If there ARE extra t-shirts, we will again offer them as a thank-you to Wildflower Run committee chairs, but we cannot guarantee the size you might desire.

T-Shirt Order Form
To ensure a 2025 Wildflower Run shirt in your size, please complete this order form and submit payment by January 25, 2025.
If you wish, you may also order additional shirts for friends or family.
T-Shirt Order Form

Bobbie Erb (Wildflower Run Co-Director) and Elizabeth Mandel (Wildflower Run Graphics)

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